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2e FEPPD Symposium: Europe versus Globalization

25 februari 2012 - De Europese koepelorganisatie van tandtechnici organiseert op 4 en 5 mei een symposium in Nice (Frankrijk) met als titel 'Europese versus Globalization, Still room for dental technicians in Europe!' Onder het motto: 'nog steeds ruimte voor Europese tandtechniek' worden diverse lezingen gegeven die ingaan op de globale uitdagingen en de manieren om de Europese samenwerking te versterken.



09.00 Annual General Meeting (Members only)

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Welcome by Pierre-Yves Besse, President of UNPPD

14.10 Intro Symposium by Jan-Eric Gyllenram (Sweden)

14.20 Lorenzo Accardo, Standardisation Project Manager of NORMAPME: How can a dental technician implement the standards?


15.00 Break

15.15 Mr. De Schietere of ADDE: How can a threat become an opportunity? Digitalization versus dental technicians.


16.00 Jan Eric Gyllenram: The Venice Code


16.50 Conclusion by Jan-Eric Gyllenram (Sweden)

17.00 End by the FEPPD President, Hilde Wahlen




13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

13.00 Annual General Meeting (Members only)

12.00 Annual General Meeting (All attendees)

14.00 Intro Symposium by Jan-Eric Gyllenram (Sweden)

14.10 Mr. Brehm of Bredent Motivation on the future of the dental technician


15.00 Break

15.15 Professor Örtengren, Head of Institute of Clinical Dentistry of University of Tromsö, Norway. Dental Materials and the risks for Dental Technicians


16.15 Mrs. Demade of the European Commission: Revision of the Medical Devices Directive

(Not confirmed)


17.00 Symposium Conclusion and Resolution by

FEPPD President, Hilde Wahlen

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